Hi everybody!
This is the 1st post that i'm writing this year. Haha... Slow, huh?
PLS allow me to tell you some difference that i noticed...
- Wei Liang grew a bit taller.
- Bryan is acting weirder.
- A tuition fren of mine came into my school and his name is called Wen Hoong. (Wat a surprise!)
- Wen Chuan looked cooler in long pants. (Duh, obviously...)
- John wears long pants.
- Theresh is now a talented track runner and he's gonna break his own record during sports day.
- Brendan rejoined Photography Club.
- Man U is currently on top of the Barclay's Championship games.
- Liverpool Robbie Keane quits them and rejoined the Spurs.
- Ronaldo admits that he needs boos from the crowd to hav better performance.
- This is really a hectic year!!!
Since there isnt much time, i will just add and upload some files for yur enjoyment.
There are lots of cahnges that i see this year and i think im getting used to them. Well, i got installed as a library prefect along with my fellow bookworms on the 5th of Feb. What a day, that was. finally, i feel as if everything is norm nowadays.
Right here, right now, i would like to thank my frens, my family, my classmates, my ex-classmates, my ex-schoolmate tat is now my school fren, k class ppl, and so on.
P.S. Hope tat i will improve on my blog this year... >.<